Free UPCAT Review
The free UPCAT review is part of Review Masters' advocacy to bring review programs for college entrance tests to the hands of more students.

What is the Free UPCAT Review?
The free UPCAT review is a free preparation program for college entrance tests like the UPCAT, ACET, DCAT, USTET and others. Since 2009, Review Masters has been giving this for free to help students prepare for their college entrance exams. It is delivered to students through the internet.
What's included?
The free UPCAT review includes dowloadable ebooks, an online e-review portal, a discussion forum and a social media group.

Who can use it?
The free UPCAT review was created for every student who would like to be fully prepared for their entrance examinations. It is for those who would like to get achieve their dreams of entering the university they dream of.
Start preparing. Create your free account now.
Online Review Portal
Part of the free UPCAT review is the Online e-Review Portal. This is your access point to your review materials, practice exams and dicussion forums. This is the portal to your success.

What's in it?
The Online Review Portal contains the downloadable e-books, lessons, automated quizzes, discussions, video lectures, printable reference sheets and a whole lot more. It is a preparation hub jam-packed with contents to help you be fully prepared for your test.

These materials are free of charge. You may share them with your classmates so that you can prepare for the test together.