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]]>We’re living in times when the internet is already an essential part of our everyday lives.
That’s why your UPCAT and CETs preparation should be available online as well. Gone are the times wherein your preparation is limited to books and a physical classroom setting.
Plus, with the current issue of safety and health, preparing for the UPCAT using the internet has become essential.
A lot of physical review centers have started offering online reviews to catch up with the changing times. Furthermore, they were forced to offer online reviews because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
But is their program enough?
We at Review Masters have been offering the online UPCAT review program for 12 long years already. Because of this experience, we found out what an online program should have for it to be fully effective. (Just look at the thousands of passers we have year after year).
A winning online review program should have a review portal where you can log in and access reviewers. This gives you a hub where you can access all your preparation needs.
If a review center does not have one, you could hardly call it an online review program.
(The Review Masters Online Review Portal is a members-only site wherein you can access reviewers, video lectures quizzes and a whole lot more. You can create your free account here.)
Just like a physical classroom review, live classes are important for digital learners to have an opportunity to consult with teachers and interact with other students in real-time. A personal touch goes a long way, especially in learning and motivation and live online classes do the job well in the absence of physical interaction.
Look for review centers that also offer refresher courses on auxiliary topics like math techniques, test-taking tips, career guidance, essay writing, and abstract reasoning. Reviewing for the major subjects is important but the supporting topics should not be overlooked.
(The Review Masters Virtual Classes are live online classes conducted by Big 4 subject matter experts. These classes are highly interactive and very engaging.)
It would also be best if the live classes were recorded and can be viewed at a later time. With this feature, students who missed a class or would want to go back to a certain topic can watch the recording.
It would also be nice if the chat conversations of instructors and students are available in the recording so that the student who watches can follow the discourse and relate more to the topic being discussed.
(You can watch some of our Jumpstart Virtual Classes recording on our YouTube channel.)
For an online review program to be effective, materials and reviewers should be reliable. That means they should be created by competent authors and updated regularly. You do not want to use materials that are already old and stale for your preparation.
Instructors are an essential part of the review program. Their competency and expertise will dictate the quality of the review class.
It is very important that an online review center has instructors who are experts in their respective fields so that they can address the questions of students fully and the information they provide is reliable.
Be wary of some centers who get undergraduates as instructors. Yes they may be able to teach but they are not yet experts on the field. In my opinion, instructors should be at least college graduates before they teach in review classes.
Self-study is ok. But being surrounded by individuals who are also preparing for their entrance exams is better. A peer study group can ease a reviewing student from a lot of stress.
Having peer-to-peer support offers a sense of belongingness which can be very helpful when dealing with something as serious as an admissions test. Word of encouragement from friends, even just online, can help boost your morale and keep you going.
Moreover, reviewing is always more fun if you have your friends doing it with you!
Your online UPCAT review should be available across devices. With today’s flexibility of students to use different devices, a good online review program should not be limited by what screen size he or she has. The online review program should be able to adapt to the learner, whether he or she is using a smartphone, a tablet or a laptop.
Because the learning setting is not limited to the classroom lectures where a strict schedule is set and followed, online review portals give students better access to their materials any time of the day, wherever they want to review.
This is a big advantage for those who prefer to learn in their own time, so enrollees can freely tweak their schedule depending on when they are most productive. They can answer practice tests, watch video lectures and access live class recordings
Aside from being available 24/7, a successful online review program should be end-to-end. The online review should not stop after the live classes. It should be able to support the student in his/her assessment, self-study, peer-to-peer interaction, live review classes, pre-exam conditioning, college entrance application and even up to wait listing and reconsideration.
The benefits that you get from an online review should be proportional to the fee you pay. You should be able to get a full stack review program at a reasonable price.
There are review centers who charge exorbitant fees for a subpar service. After the live classes, you get no further assistance from them in terms of self-study support, college application assistance and other auxiliary services.
(Review Masters offers the Online Review Platinum package. It includes live online classes, review books, review portal access and a lot of other exclusive content to fully prepare you for your UPCAT and other CETs at a fraction of the cost of other available programs out there. Check it out here.)
The youth of today have grown up with the internet and devices. Thus, it doesn’t come as surprising that many of you learn better when presented with digital materials like practice tests, modules, and videos.
Online review materials should be specifically designed to cater to those who find themselves more productive in tinkering with digital options, so they don’t find the process of reviewing dull and boring.
In conclusion, be sure to choose an online review center that would fully help you prepare for the CETs, available wherever, whenever you need it at a fraction of the cost.
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]]>The post Review Masters’ Official Statement on the COVID-19 Situation appeared first on Review Masters.
]]>We hope this finds you well and safe amid the COVID-19 outbreak. This pandemic has affected all our lives in unexpected ways.
Review Masters is one with the government in putting everyone’s health and safety of utmost importance. Hence, we have decided to postpone all classroom review schedules that are supposed to be held from May to July.
However, we believe preparing for the future should not take a step back despite the circumstances. It is our mission to help students prepare for their dream university, with or without pandemic.
Here are the steps that we’re taking to continue on this mission:
Should you have any questions, feel free to comment or send us a message anytime. We would love to hear from you.
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]]>The post 11 Ways to Prepare for the UPCAT and other College Entrance Tests Without Leaving Your Home appeared first on Review Masters.
]]>The COVID-19 crisis has affected our day-to-day lives and disrupted the way we do things dramatically. Staying at home for the moment is the safest way to avoid getting infected.
However, we will eventually recover and move on with our lives. And one thing is certain – there will be college entrance tests (CETs) in a few months from now. The UPCAT, ACET, DCAT and USTET are just around the corner.
The question is, “Are you prepared for them?”
At this moment you should have already started your preparation and review for CETs. Starting early is the key to your CET success. However, due to the current situation, the traditional way of preparation such as classroom reviews is not possible.
Here are 11 ways on how you can prepare for the UPCAT and other CETs without the need to leave the comfort and safety of your home.
The internet is probably the best thing that happened to us humans, especially in these times that we need to stay at home. It has enabled us to do a lot of things such as shop, socialize, talk to friends and get updated with current events without leaving our spot. Being online enabled us to learn and study without going to a physical school of learning center. Thus we can use the internet to review and study for our CETs.
The first set of tips uses the internet to aid your CET preparation.
There are tons of reviewers available in the internet nowadays. Just one Google search and you’ll stumble on a plethora of online reviewers which you can download.
Aside from search, you can also get reviewers from the following sources:
Review Masters has a set of free UPCAT reviewers available for download. You may get them here.
IMPORTANT: Did you notice the second part of the title of this tip? It says, “USE THEM”. Yes, you have to use the reviewers (obvious ba?).
I have seen students who just downloaded reviewers here and there and not use them for review and practice. They just collected and downloaded and kept it in their devices. Sayang.
So I urge you to answer the reviewers you have downloaded. Please.
A word of caution about reviewers: Be sure to obtain your reviewers from legitimate sources. Most of these materials are still copyrighted. Authors can go after you for unauthorized distribution and reproduction.
An online review portal or e-learning platform will greatly help you prepare for the test. E-learning sites such as these will provide you with the following:
The great thing about review portals is that the things you need on college entrance test preparation is all in one place. It’s a one-stop-shop for your preparation.
One example of this is the Review Masters Online Review Portal. You may sign up for a free account and you may also upgrade to unlock exclusive features.
Video is a great tool to refresh what you have learned in school and learn new things about the UPCAT and other CETs. Multiple studies have shown that video, specifically, can be a highly effective educational tool for learning.
There are tons of content about your high school lessons on YouTube. You may search for the specific topic you want to learn about and view it on-demand.
Review Masters has a YouTube channel with videos on CET tips and strategies. I invite you to subscribe to our YouTube channel here.
Videos are great. But what’s better for your CET preparation are live online classes.
With a live class, you can interact with your online instructor and classmates. You can ask a question and receive a reply right away.
Live online classes lets you experience hands-on teaching at the comfort of your home. You have your instructor, classmates and the lesson at hand. It’s just like your regular review classes: without physical contact (and with the given situation, you don’t want anyway, right?).
The Review Masters Online Review Platinum Program has the Virtual Classes. These are live online classes which let teachers and students learn and interact together through a virtual classroom. Read more about the Platinum program on this page.
Wouldn’t it be great to prepare for your entrance exams with friends and other test-takers? Online groups and communities are great avenues for these.
By joining online group discussions, you can ask your peers about their course choices, review methods, application issues and whole lot of other concerns.
Also in these groups, some professors and experts chime in to assist students. Take advantage of these opportunities.
I invite you to join the Ka-TOURs (Tropang Online UPCAT Review) community on Facebook. Get to talk about CETs and learn with your peers and friends.
Being at home should not stop you from getting expert help on your CETs. You should use this time to catch up with your high school teachers and probably consult them about your college entrance plans.
If you have a personal tutor, it would be great to contact them, too. Ask them for tips and about their CET experience.
Aside from your high school teachers and tutors, you can also get help from experts specifically on college entrance exams. This is probably the best source of info that you should look for if you want to increase your chance of passing your CETs. These are professors and instructors who have experience directly with college entrance exams.
The Review Masters team is one such group of experts. We have been helping students prepare for CETs for the past 18 years. Personally, I have spoken to thousands of test takers and given them tips and gotten feedback from them.
Get to connect with the Review Masters through our online review program.
Yes, we have the internet and all but that is not just the way to prepare for CETs at home. You can also go with the traditional offline review methods.
The UPCAT and other CETs are, of course, based on your high school topics and lessons. What better resource to use are your good ol’ high school notes.
According to scientific research, writing notes improves your memory recall. Since you are the ones who wrote the notes of your lessons, it would be easier for you to recall the things you studied in school and apply them in your CET preparation.
You can read your notes, answer again the given examples by your teachers and organize these notes into bitesize pieces by using index cards (we will discuss this in the tip #10).
There are books and reviewers available for sale in bookstores and online sellers. It would be best if you can secure your copies of these reviewers and use them for your practice.
You can buy the books from bookstores if you want a fresh copy of the reviewer. You can also order online. I know of some groups who sell online and ship their reviewers to students.
If you want to save some cash though, you can just borrow available copies from your friends and upper classmen. Advantage and disadvantage though is that most probably, it has already been answered and there are already marks on the reviewer.
The Review Masters Platinum membership include physical review books aside from the online review. You can go to this page to see all the details.
Remember the reviewers you downloaded from the internet in tip #1? Now is the time to print them and answer them the traditional way.
Yes, you can answer these reviewer on-screen, however, you will get better practice if you answer them on paper. The act of writing down the answers and doing computations by hand will improve your performance during the test. In the actual exam, you will use a scratch sheet and shade the answer sheet by hand anyway so it would be best to use your time at home to practice writing on paper.
Organizing your notes is a great way to improve your study habit and use of review time. Creating index cards helps you locate lessons more efficiently thus helping you maximize your review time. Plus writing your notes on index cards will help you recall those lessons, as we have discussed in the previous tip.
In tip #7, I told to review your high school notes. Writing them down on index cards will help you organize those notes and help you recall your high school lessons easier. Hitting two birds with one stone, right?
Your time at home is the best opportunity to get to know yourself more and think about your plans for CETs and college life in general.
Spend a few minutes each day meditating and reflecting on the choices you’ll make and the preparation that you will do.
Asking the Almighty for enlightenment and guidance will surely work wonders on your test results and life in general.
As we help flatten the curve while staying at home, I hope you do these tips for your UPCAT and CETs preparation. Yes, we can’t go outside like before, but we can still improve ourselves and do something positive for our college entrance test readiness.
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]]>The post UPCAT Reviewer – Compiled UPCAT Questions 2020 (FREE PDF Download) appeared first on Review Masters.
]]>(UPDATED April 20, 2024)
I'm sure that you are looking for that UPCAT reviewer to help you pass the UPCAT.
Getting into the University of the Philippines is the ultimate goal isn’t it?
Or probably passing the DCAT, ACET, or USTET and getting into one of the BIG 4 universities, right?
That’s why you’re here.
You're looking for that UPCAT reviewer that will give you the edge.
The UPCAT and other college entrance tests are just around the corner and you realized that you need every advantage you can get in order to surely pass and get into your dream college.
It doesn’t matter if you performed well in high school or not because the UPCAT provides equal chances to everyone taking it. This means reviewing and preparing for the upcoming college entrance exams is more important now more than ever.
Having said all this, we at Review Masters want nothing more for you than to pass the UPCAT and other college entrance tests and get into your dream school.
This is why we created the downloadable UPCAT REVIEWER - COMPILED UPCAT QUESTIONS e-book.
This reviewer is released exclusively along with the highly-interactive website and is available for FREE to help you prepare for college entrance exams.
With over 300 multiple-choice items, covering the most-commonly asked questions in the UPCAT through the years, these UPCAT reviewers would give you the edge once you are able to study, review and practice ALL the items with tenacity.
To open the compilation, your computer must have Adobe Reader installed.
*Disclaimer: Review Masters does not claim that this questions were taken from the actual UPCAT. These questions however are based on student feedback on previous UPCAT exams and have been modified for better understanding. It is by no means a guarantee that the same item will appear in the next UPCAT
Your admission to UP is going to be based on the University Predicted Grade or UPG. It is an aggregate rating composed of:
Thus it is not enough that you excel in high school and getting good grades.
You need to get high scores in the test, right?
You scores in the UPCAT takes on the bigger part, that's why you need to master test-taking.
These reviewers are intended for you to be familiar with questions appearing in entrance examination.
We recommend the following methods of use for these materials:
Remember that your goal is to score higher. And practice will give your the results you need.
In fact, doing practice tests and quizzing yourself turns passively absorbed information into usable knowledge, thus increasing your scores.
Although you can study and prepare on your own, we would also recommend that you seek expert help. An UPCAT review center will surely help you prepare along with these UPCAT reviewers.
A good preparation for your entrance exam is the utilization of all resources possible and dedicating time and effort to succeed.
A combination of self-study, expert help, good materials and proper attitude will surely bring you success.
The Math subtest in this reviewer will cover your high school math topics. It will also involve your basic math skills that you've learned from elementary days like fundamental operations, fractions, shapes, and other basic concepts.
Here's a breakdown of the topics that you'll encounter in the test:
The Science subtest covers It also focuses on your analytical skills - how you make connections from science concepts and draw conclusions from observations - aside from the information and facts that you've memorized.
Here's the breakdown of the science reviewer:
The Language Proficiency subtest mainly focuses on grammar, vocabulary and proper composition of sentences and paragraphs.
Here are the topics covered in language proficiency reviewer:
The Reading Comprehension subtest of the UPCAT is comprised of different written materials, as well as diagrams and figures, which measures the level of understanding and analysis of the student.
This subtest may include the following:
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]]>The post USTET Reconsideration 2020 appeared first on Review Masters.
]]>However, you might be one of those who did not qualify for the course you applied for. Maybe you just had one subtest score not making it to the cutoff.
Almost qualified, but just didn’t make it. Sayang.
The question now is… Is there still a chance to get accepted to UST?
What’s nice about entrance exams and the process of college admission is that even though you do not qualify, universities are still giving students opportunities to get admitted.
This process is referred to as reconsideration.
The good news is UST is offering this option to students whose scores did not quite make the cutoffs.
The process is simple for USTET reconsideration: you just need to write an appeal letter to the Dean of the college you want to apply to. In your letter, explain why you want to enter the college and why they should reconsider your case.
The dean will then evaluate your appeal and give you the details of the requirements and dates for follow-ups.
TIP: Be enthusiastic about being a Thomasian in your letter. Explain with sincerity why you want to be in UST.
Just to be sure, bring the following requirements when you submit your appeal. You’ll never know which document will come in handy when you process your appeal.
Please take note that your chance of being admitted still depends on the availability of slots for the degree program you applied for. Remember that the qualifiers are given utmost priority for the slots.
Also, there are courses that are really popular and competition for slots for those courses is tough. So choose your degree programs carefully and manage your expectations.
This is where it gets tricky. UST has about 20 colleges serving about 110 undergraduate courses. And each college and course has a different cutoff score requirement and variation of the reconsideration process.
Dates and deadlines will differ per college. Also, some colleges will require a face-to-face interview before you get admitted. However, some students get lucky and go straight to enrollment after their appeal get evaluated.
Probably the most important tip in the USTET reconsideration process is to physically inquire at the Dean’s office of your target degree program and ask them about the details of the appeal process.
They are the ones who will evaluate your appeal, right? You need to tap into their minds because they know the ins and outs of the process.
If your appeal gets rejected, you still have another option to enter UST. Like other major universities, you can still apply for transfer if your really want to be a Thomasian. Study for one year in another school, get good grades, apply for transfer and take the exam.
Good luck!
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]]>The post Computing the UPG for the UPCAT appeared first on Review Masters.
]]>It’s the UPG.
Here are some information to shed some light…
UPG, or the University Predicted Grade, is a composite score made up of the applicant’s weighted UPCAT test scores and weighted grades from high school. In addition, other factors like geographical location and school type are incorporated in the UPG as palugit and pabigat. The UPG is the basis upon which a student may be admitted to the University of the Philippines.
The UP Charter mandates that UP is not to deny admission to the University “by reason of age, sex, nationality, religious belief, or political affiliation.” Although it is not mentioned in the charter, UP also recognizes equity considerations on the economic or social status of applicants.
If this is the case, then why doesn’t UP just admit all applying students?
The University is bound to ensure that they have high academic standards since it is the university that bears the country’s name. Also, resources are scarce and budget is limited. Thus, the selection process is put into place, focusing on excellence.
Back then there was no entrance test. A student only needs some evidence that he or she had enough college preparation; he or she has taken the specified subjects by UP and has done some laboratory experiments. However, by the 1920’s, UP has gained its reputation for excellence and was getting a lot of student application. In 1928 an entrance exam was administered and only the top students were admitted, depending on the number of slots available.
This might have been the first UPCAT.
Although there seems to be no problem of having an entrance exam, UP took steps to democratize admission in the 1940’s. It automatically admitted top students from high schools; public and private, urban and rural. In the late 1950’s, achievement, psychological and intelligence tests were given but these were for guidance purposes only. No UPG’s were implemented here. It was in 1961-1962 when the UP Scholastic Aptitude Examination (SAE) was employed to pick candidates for admission.
As years passed, the University noted a 30% delinquency rate which was quite high. To solve this, UP did some research. One of the findings was to combine test scores and scholastic performance to give a reliable way of predicting a student’s performance in college.
It was the UPG’s conception.
1967 was the year the UPCAT was born (although this is still different from today’s UPCAT). The UPG was not yet invented and the UPCAT was used on its own as a selection tool. To enter UP, you may then either pass the UPCAT or be at the top of your class.
In the 1970’s a resolution was passed to combine the three year high school average and the College Admissions Test scores. This made entrance to UP more difficult. It was 80% CAT and 20% high school grades back then. Then a series of studies showed that the high school grade’s weight should be increased.
Then in 1976, Prof. Romeo Manlapaz came up with a system that uses “multiple regression analysis” (I also don’t know what it is if you’re asking) to integrate the high school grades and the UPCAT scores.
The UPG was born.
(to know more about the UP Admission System’s history, you may also want to read Jo Florendo Lontoc’s Excellence and Equity: UP’s Great Balancing Act)
Shown below is the equation to compute the UPG.
But the UPG, simply put, is just comprised of the following:
This however is not yet its entirety. The UPG is affected by so called palugit and pabigat.
If you remember a while ago, I mentioned that UP took steps to democratize the admission system, meaning give every sector a fighting chance to be admitted to UP. In 1998, UP took it to the next level by implementing the Excellence-Equity Admissions System (EEAS). This adds a twist to the UPG computation.
Basically, the EEAS adjusts the UPG of applicants by a palugit of 0.5 who are coming from public barangay, public vocational, and public general high schools, excluding those administered by state universities and colleges and science high schools. Minorities are also given palugit.
The EEAS also has a pabigat.
A pabigat, on the other hand, is an adjustment going in the opposite direction. One instance that it happens is when a student applies for a campus that is not near his locality. He is given a penalty so it becomes more difficult for him to be admitted to the campus. Applicants in the locality gets more chances to be admitted.
With all these things coming together, you now have your UPG; an amalgamation of scholastic performance, test scores and democratization factors. Complicated? Maybe.
Nonetheless, whatever the computation of the UPG may be, it is the university’s discretion and not yours. Your job as a student is to get the best grades that you can get and prepare well for the UPCAT.
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]]>The post Wait List, Reconsideration and Appeal Procedure for UPLB 2019 appeared first on Review Masters.
]]>Filing of Wait list Applications: starts on April 29, 2019 (Monday).
Deadline of Filing Applications: May 17, 2019 (Friday).
1) Download and accomplish the Wait List Application Form from the UPLB website: For walk-in applicants, get application form at Window No. 1. 2) Indicate two priority degree programs that satisfy the minimum criteria Of UPLB and the criteria set by the various colleges (UPG, campus choice and subtest scores) as seen in Table 1. 3) Indicate name of parents, contact address and telephone number (landline/mobile). 4) Attach copy of UPCAT results (Admission Notice for successful application to Other UP units/UPG and subtest percentile rank scores for non-qualifiers). |
5) Submit the accomplish application form With the UPCAT result in the wait list Drop Box at Window I of the Office of the University Registrar, UPLB OR Send the scanned copy Of the accomplished application form and UPCAT results to [email protected] |
6) Check the OUR bulletin board for names of applicants who are required to report to the college(s) concerned for interview by May 28, 2019 (Tuesday). |
7) Based on the degree programs(s) applied to, proceed to the College(s) for interview. Interview schedules are from May 29 (Wednesday) to May 31 (Friday), 2019 |
8) Check the OUR bulletin board for announcements on applicants who are offered available slots on June 6, 2019 (Thursday). |
9) Get notice Of admission and registration instructions at Window No. 2, OUR on June 14, 2019 (Friday). |
Table 1. College criteria for waitlisting
COLLEGE | Program | Language Proficiency | Reading Comprehension | Math | Science | Additional Requirements |
Agriculture |
BS Agriculture |
50 | 50 | 60 | 60 | Interview |
BS Food Science and Technology | 50 | 50 | 75 | 75 | Interview | |
BS Agricultural Biotechnology | 50 | 50 | 75 | 75 | Interview | |
Arts and Sciences | BA Communication Arts | 80 | 80 | 50 | 50 | interview |
BA Philosophy | 80 | 80 | 60 | 60 | interview | |
BA Sociology | 70 | 70 | 60 | 50 | interview | |
BS Applied Mathematics | 50 | 50 | 85 | — | Interview and had chosen BSAM as 1st or 2nd choice in UPCAT |
BS Applied Physics | 70 | 70 | 85 | 80 | Interview by the unit; UPG of 2.75 or better | |
BS Biology | 70 | 70 | 70 | 75 | ||
BS Chemistry | 70 | 70 | 80 | 80 | UPG of 2.500 or better; had chosen BS Chem or BSAgChem as 1st or 2nd choice in UPCAT; UPLB as 1st choice; Graduate of STEM track in Senior High School | |
BS Computer Science | 70 | 70 | 85 | 70 | ||
BS Mathematics | 50 | 50 | 85 | — | Interview and had chosen BSMath as 1st or 2nd choice in UPCAT | |
BS Mathematics and Science Teaching | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | interview | |
BS Statistics | 40 | 40 | 70 | 50 | interview | |
CA-CAS | BS Agricultural Chemistry (5 yrs) | 70 | 70 | 80 | 80 | UPG of 2.500 or better; had chosen BS Chem or BSAgChem as 1st or 2nd choice in UPCAT; UPLB as 1st choice; Graduate of STEM track in Senior High School |
CDC | BS Development Communication | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | Interview; had chosen BSDC as 1st or 2nd choice in UPCAT |
Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology | BS Agricultural Engineering (5 yrs) | 55 | 55 | 80 | 80 | interview |
BS Chemical Engineering (5 yrs) | 60 | 60 | 80 | 80 | interview | |
BS Civil Engineering (5 yrs) | 60 | 60 | 80 | 80 | interview | |
BS Electrical Engineering (5 yrs) | 50 | 50 | 80 | 80 | interview | |
BS Industrial Engineering (5 yrs) | 60 | 60 | 80 | 80 | interview | |
Economics and Management | BS Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship | 61 | 61 | 61 | 61 | UPG of 2.75 or better |
BS Economics | 70 | 70 | 75 | 70 | – | |
BS Agricultural Economics | 65 – 70 – | UPG of 2.75 or better and interview | ||||
Forestry and Natural Resources | BS Forestry | UPG of 2.800 or better | interview | |||
Human Ecology | BS Human Ecology | Average of 60% | UPG of 2.75 or better; Interview; UPLB as first choice of campus | |||
BS Nutrition | Average of 70% | UPG of 2.75 or better; Interview; UPLB as first choice of campus; BSN or BSHE as 1st or 2nd choice in UPCAT | ||||
Veterinary Medicine | D Veterinary Medicine (6 yrs) | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | DVM is 1st or 2nd choice in UPCAT; UPLB is 1st or 2nd campus choice, and Interview |
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]]>The post 6 Things Parents Must Do To Help Their Child Prepare For The UPCAT And Other College Entrance Exams appeared first on Review Masters.
]]>The level of involvement to a child’s education and future career path is one segment of parenthood that many find conflicting.
As parents, it is natural to feel the need to guide our children throughout the whole process.
However, being too overly involved in the education of our kids also brings to the table its own set of problems.
You get what I mean, right?
Once a child enters their junior and senior years in high school, their life priorities start to shift.
As individuals in the cusp of becoming adults, they start to envision their dreams and ambitions with more maturity than ever before. This stage of their life can be challenging and tricky, and it is up to you as their primary guardian to help support and hold their hand through it all.
Some questions though…
Let’s say you have already helped your kid in the first stages of preparation for entering college.
You’ve talked to them about their choice of major and the universities that they can explore.
The next step that you should take is to make sure that they are equipped (both emotionally and intellectually) for their entrance exams, a.k.a. their gateway to college life.
Now here’s the thing, while you can provide guidance during the part of choosing their final course, the reality is that you have little to no control over the results of their entrance admission tests.
This is one thing that will entirely be dependent on your child’s skills, attitude, and preparedness.
Naturally, you have to focus on simply providing the foundations that can help them succeed it.
How should you do this?
Here’s a checklist of pointers to help you out:
One of the biggest hurdles that can make or break your child’s entrance exam result is test anxiety.
It is normal for kids to feel stressed over something as big as a college admissions test so you should focus your efforts on helping them deal with it.
How do you build their confidence?
Observe. Listen. Encourage.
This way, you can gauge the amount and kind of support you should be giving. Is your kid the type who lets the stress get to them? Then sitting them down to talk about the topic may be something they need.
You know how teenagers are. They feel supported when somebody listens to them.
As a parent, you should pay attention and be in the “now” when your child is telling you something about their preparation for their entrance test. Ask them questions about it and listen very well to their answers and the manner how they answered. You might find clues to where you should give more encouragement and when to get help from experts. Listening will make your child feel that they are important.
Are they the type who flourishes under positive words or would they prefer a more realistic type of approach? Remember, being too overly positive can also be dangerous because it may make your child feel that you are putting too much pressure on them with your optimism.
Give them the encouragement that they need, whether it is tough love, a simple pat on the back or positive reinforcement.
For more tips on how to build their confidence, click here.
Lack of organizational skills can be detrimental during this stage.
Preparing for an entrance exam is composed of many different stages and going through them with flying colors is impossible if your child is unorganized in the first place.
Lend them a helping hand by offering help for the smallest and biggest things.
It can be as simple as helping them organize their schedule for reviewing, or even something as mundane as helping categorize all their reviewers.
The key here is to make sure you are aiding your child every step of the way to keep them from becoming overly overwhelmed.
BUT do not impose.
Students have different ways of reviewing.
Some prefer doing it for hours, some function more at night, and there are even others who pick up things better if they are involved in a study group.
As a parent, one way you can help is by supporting their style of reviewing.
Do not force your child to follow a review schedule they aren’t comfortable with.
Does your kid prefer studying using online portals instead of using traditional review materials? Then maybe you can help them enroll in an online review class where they can have more flexibility with their schedule.
One good example is Review Masters’ Online Review program, a portal where they can study and practice anywhere 24/7. The program is available to anyone for free, too!
As much as emotional support and encouragement are necessary, providing your children with the necessary tools they need to review is also important.
Did you know that there are three types of learners?
In which category does your child fall? Once you have identified which type of learner they are, it’s time to provide them with the tools that fit best with their studying preference.
One tried and tested support system is by enrolling them in a review center.
Review centers specialize in providing training to your child in preparation for their entrance exams.
In addition to helping review for their examinations, some centers also provide seminars that teach children how to handle stress, as well training on how to best approach their admissions test.
When looking for the best review center, it is important to take into consideration your child’s learning preference.
The best ones offer a 360 approach to reviewing like Review Masters which has an online review portal and a regular classroom review setup.
Review Masters’ online classes can serve as a refresher during the summer season with its online review program and it also offers a 37 Tips Workshop which focuses on teaching its students test-taking techniques to complete their preparation for entrance exams.
It offers a different learning approach to what classrooms usually follow because it also encourages its students to interact with each other and to be active with their support group where they can connect with their friends and mentors.
The mentors of review centers are specially trained to help guide students through this stressful and important phase and being surrounded by a support system can take a lot of burden from your child.
This is something you should do with your child.
Pacing is something very important when reviewing and you and your kid needs to arrive at the most efficient and workable schedule for them.
A study plan can help give your child enough time to prepare for their entrance exam, which can automatically cure away any possibilities of overworking or cramming.
When creating a study plan, you should take into account their regular load for school work and extracurricular activities as well.
In the event that you do decide to enroll your child in a review center, make sure that you choose one with the friendliest schedule that will best compliment their learning needs.
Now, this doesn’t only apply to you child, but to you as parents as well.
We know how nerve-inducing entrance exams are, but if you want your kid to be confident during their test-taking, you need to set a good example first.
Try to keep a calm demeanor and focus on motivating them with a positive (but not overbearing) attitude.
Most important, make it clear and known to them that while the results are important, it is important to focus on the process as well.
It is suggested that your child should have a confident and relaxed mindset a month before the big day. (The 37 Proven Tips Workshop is a big help in this case.)
Encourage them to practice relaxing at this point and discourage any last minute cramming that can add to their nerves.
If you have followed your study plan well, this shouldn’t be very hard!
A week before the entrance exam date, focus on preparing your kid physically and mentally. Make sure they get enough rest and provide them with healthy foods, too.
Come test day, prepare a hearty protein-filled meal for them, and last but not the least, smile and tell them to try and enjoy the experience.
Taking an entrance exam usually focuses too much on the students, but you as a parent has a very important role during this stage in their lives as well. With the help of these tips, you can help provide the right support your child needs.
And remember: it is not only them who should enjoy the process.
You as a parent, should too.
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]]>The post Why Should Your Child Take the UPCAT? appeared first on Review Masters.
]]>It’s unquestionable. UP is the undisputed premier university in the country. Based on the study conducted by Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), UP is ranked number 1 for several years and up to present. Even international surveys and studies recognize UP as a top university globally.
The graduates of UP have constantly ranked high if not topped the examinations given by the Philippine Professional Regulatory Commission. Employers prefer UP graduates over other applicants. A lot of UP alumni hold respectable positions in government agencies, private institutions, and even in NGOs. You can find from different industries successful people who excel in their respective fields who were once UP students dreaming of contributing a positive change to society.
Because of the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act (also known as Republic Act 10931), UP has no tuition fee. This is for first-time college students (students who does not have a college degree yet).
UP also has the Student Financial Assistance Program. Through this program, students avail of discounted tuition fees to full tuition fee waivers, cash subsidies, according to their individual income brackets.
Do you want your child to study in UP? Make sure that he/she is well prepared for the UPCAT
Undaunted by any oppression through the years, democracy and freedom remain to be the tool in breaking any barrier to academic advancement. This is why UP students can freely express themselves and have confidence in facing challenges that await them in and out of the UP campus.
The Commission on Higher Education has declared UP as a Center of Excellence in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Marine Science, Music, Physics, English, Foreign Languages, Literature, Economics, Industrial Relations, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, Sociology, Communication Arts, Journalism, Architecture, Electrical Engineering, Geodetic Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Anthropology, History, Filipino, Geology, Medicine, Nursing, Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering, Forestry Education, Veterinary Education and Fisheries (Source:
Also, UP has Memoranda of Agreement with various universities in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Australia, making its programs accredited abroad.
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]]>The post Reconsideration, Waitlisting, Pending Case and Cut-offs for UPCAT 2018: How to Go About Them appeared first on Review Masters.
]]>So you've taken the UPCAT, seen the results, and got confused.
You might be one of those who got a degree program with available slot (DPWAS) as their course.
Or maybe one of those who has a pending case.
Or worse, you did not see your name on the list.
Whatever the case may be, here are some guidelines released by UP to help you out figure things about special cases like these.
The pending case refers to UPCAT Applicants with incomplete application documents.
Some of the reasons could be:
If you fall into the pending case category, make sure to resolve your case before the deadline.
Deadline for submission of required documents of Pending Cases
Some important notes:
There are two groups of students who can make appeals:
1. Campus Qualifiers to a specific campus but who want to be admitted to another campus
If you are qualified in a certain campus, let's say UP DILIMAN, but you want to be admitted to UP BAGUIO or any other campus, then you can apply for an appeal.
It will not be released to you.
2. Non-Qualifiers to the campuses they applied for but who have UPGs that are 2.8 or better (in the UP marking system, better means 2.79, 2.6, 2.1, 1.7, etc.)
You need an ID to pick up your NQ Notice. If a representative will pick it up for you, he/she must also have an ID & a letter of authorization from you.
Take note of the release dates of the NQ notices in your area.
Here are the requirements you need for your UPG request:
The post Reconsideration, Waitlisting, Pending Case and Cut-offs for UPCAT 2018: How to Go About Them appeared first on Review Masters.